
MATH 110: Introduction to Number Theory

Summer 2023 • Online

Course Information

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Familiarize yourself with fundamental concepts, ideas, and problems in number theory that play essential roles in modern mathematics.
  2. Develop a deep understanding of the role of theorems, proofs, and counterexamples, and recognize their significance in mathematical reasoning.
  3. Enhance your problem-solving skills through the exploration and application of various number theory techniques and strategies.
  4. Cultivate the ability to effectively communicate mathematical ideas clearly, concisely, and precisely through discussions, written assignments, and math writing exercises related to number theory.
  5. Acquire proficiency in using basic LaTeX formatting for mathematical notation, equations, and proofs, as it is an integral part of the course.

Course Elements

Structure of this course

Structure of this course


The grade will be based on five parts:


The final score will be curved with a norm distribution and then translated to letter grades using the following grading scheme.

Total scores Grade
$\geqslant 98$ A$+$
$90$ – $97$ A
$88$ – $89$ A$-$
$85$ – $87$ B$+$
$78$ – $84$ B
$75$ – $77$ B$-$
$70$ – $74$ C$+$
$60$ – $69$ C
$55$ – $59$ C$-$
$40$ – $54$ D
$< 40$ F

To pass the course, your letter grade should be at least C.